Off to a Fast Start in 2022

A fast start in January sets the pace for the entire year. Setting goals, developing a marketing calendar, and freshening up your marketing materials sets the stage for a successful year. Don’t wait, don’t put it off, don’t say as soon as I have free time. I’m listing a few tips to help get things moving forward:

Update Your Website

Many businesses tend to take a set it and forget it approach to their website. January is a good time to refresh your website and rectify some of that inattention. Start by making sure your site reflects the new year including the copyright in the footer. Take a look at your photos – if you’ve had the same pictures on the homepage for the past few years, or even the past year, time to swap them out for something new. It’s easy to do and pays big dividends for just a little work. Breath fresh life into what is likely one of your most important marketing vehicles.

Many of my clients commission me to photograph their most recent projects, but reviewing their web sites I frequently see that new content has not been published. January is good time to update and publish recently commissioned work.

As you review your website, you might find you are missing a few things. That could include new employee head shots, new product mentions, awards, new testimonials and up to date text. Take a little time with your site and go into the year with a fresh look – it will impress your clients.

Social Media

Social media is designed to be immediate, fresh and active but I’m surprised at how many people are up to date with posting but neglect to keep their look and feel refreshed. It’s important to keep social media active with new images. Maybe start a library of images to refresh the header every month. You can use that same library for other marketing material, your posts, or outreach.

Set Up a Marketing Calendar

Let’s face it, many of us spend most of our time working in our business, not on it. Having a well thought out marketing calendar sets the stage for success by keeping you focused  – it not only makes you more effective but in the long run saves time. Take the time now to set goals, deliverables, and a schedule to get it all done. Now that you have a schedule you can begin to work in content which will likely include images. This where I can help. Think about what you may need and when you will need it – get specific, for example:

  • This spring capture building X with all the new plantings coming into full bloom

  • At our annual conference get new headshots of all employees along with group shots of the teams

  • Once our newest building is renovated get interior and exterior shots before tenants begin to occupy space

  • Get environmental shot of people at work for upcoming ads, brochures, and the website

Last, if you are thinking of visually re-branding or updating your image I am can help come up with concepts and subsequent plan.

Start the Year with Some Fun – Celebrate National Compliments Day on January 24th.

Who doesn’t love a nice compliment? Use the day to throw them out like confetti!

  • Give businesses you work with a shout out on social media by writing a review (they may even return the favor.)

  • Give employees and business associates hand-written compliments to show your appreciation.

  • Do the same for your clients – find something they do well and let them know.

Get 2022 Off to a Fast Start

At ShupeStudios our goal is to wow you in 2022. Get a head start on the year by planning photography of residential structures, commercial buildings, or landscapes - give me a call so we can begin adding photo shoots to your marketing calendar. I look forward to working with you in 2022!